SPRINGFIELD (AP) — Gov. Bruce Rauner’s Human Services budget failed by a huge margin today, as all Democrats voting “no” on the measure and all members of the Republican Caucus voting “present.”
The $11 billion measure would cut Medicaid by $1.5 billion and also reduce mental health and addiction treatment programs.
Democratic House Speaker Michael Madigan says the vote was intended to “facilitate consideration” of next year’s budget.
Rauner has left the door open to new revenue sources but the Republican also wants lawmakers to approve his pro-business priorities.
House Human Services Appropriations Chairman Greg Harris says Rauner’s proposal attempts to balance the budget “on the backs of the most vulnerable.”
Following the failure of Rauner’s measure, Harris immediately filed 16 amendments undoing the Governor’s proposed budget cuts to homeless youth, autism, childcare, senor services, disabilities, supportive housing, substance abuse, early intervention and many other programs. The bill is HB4141.