CENTRALIA — A large crowd gathered Saturday night along Poplar Street in Centralia for the 89th Annual Centralia Halloween Parade, braving the threat of rain showers that never really materialized.
The top prize went to the Cushman Family float entry. The Harley-Queen Trophy was awarded to Barb Cushman for her “Celebrating Sponge Bob” creation.
The Grand Marshal’s trophy went to the Sears Hometown Store entry of ‘Christmas Memories’, and the First Place commercial float award went to Macz Funeral Homes ‘Celebrating Star Wars’. and Secon Place went to Laramee Log Homes for their entry ‘Welcome Home’.
In the Family division, the Masterson Family’s ‘The Shocking Icons of Horror’ was first and the Brinkmeyer family’s ‘Minion Candy Machine’ was second.
First Place in the civic division went to the Murray Center for their ‘Home Is Where the Heart Is’ entry, while Second Place went to the Murray Parents Association for their ‘Celebrate Murray Center’ entry, a float that thanked the community for helping keep Murray Center open.
Redeamor Lutheran Church took First Place in the church category with their entry ‘A Minion Reasons to Celebrate’ and Sandoval 1st United Methodist was second with their entry ‘Jesus Is Our Reason to Celebrate’.
In the school category, the Alternative Learning Academy placed First and Centralia City Grade Schools placed Second.
Bond County High School took top honors in the high school division, for the band division, winning outstanding auxiliary, best drum line, best drum major and First Place. Breese Central placed Second.
In the Junior-Senior High Band category, Sandoval placed First and best auxiliary, drum major and drum line.
In the grade school band competition, Franklin Park took first place and won outstanding auxiliary. Iuka took second and won for outstanding drum line. Greenville Junior High won outstanding drum major.
In the Marching Unit division, the Salem High School Dance Team took first and the Centralia High School Dance Team second.