CENTRALIA — Marion County Republican and Centralia resident Adam Smith is suspending his campaign for the State House of Representatives, effectively immediately.

Smith said, “Upon further review and a lot of introspection over the last several days, I have realized there are not enough hours in a day to achieve all that needs to be done for a campaign.”  He added, “In addition to running a business, selling real estate, and fulfilling county board obligations, it is important to me that I still have time for my church and family responsibilities.”

Smith indicated many factors led to his decision to run initially in the March 20, 2018 Republican Primary, and the aforementioned factors also lead him now to suspend the campaign for the 107th District Illinois House seat currently held by Salem Republican John Cavaletto.

Smith says his withdrawal does not, however, indicate a lack of interest in the issue of excessive taxation which he believes is debilitating the State of Illinois, nor does it dampen his interest in contributing to the betterment of local and regional economy where he is able to do so.

Smith will continue to serve as a Marion County Board Member. He stated, “I sincerely appreciate the vote of confidence I have received from all my friends and family.”

Effingham businessman Brian Milleville remains in the race in seeking the GOP nomination for Cavaletto’s seat.