CENTRALIA — A 25-year-old Centralia woman already facing charges stemming from a drug-related warrant sweep over the summer has now been charged in Marion County Court with the alleged beating of a 6-year-old family member.

(Source: MCSO)
Bail has been set at $40,000 for Darleedria Flippen on a charge of aggravated battery to a child. Flippen was arrested after someone allegedly heard her beating the girl.
The person who called police reportedly left without making contact out of concern it would have made the situation worse for the child but reported the alleged incident to police the next day, which led to an investigation and Flippen’s arrest.
She was free on bond at the time, having been arrested over the summer in Indiana on a Marion County warrant charging her with the distribution of narcotics. Flippen is next scheduled to appear in court December 7.