CENTRALIA — A 25-year-old Centralia man has been arrested in connection with a reported incident over the weekend when a home in Sandoval was entered and items taken.

(Source: MCSO)
Marion County Sheriff’s deputies arrested Christopher Carroll for alleged residential burglary and criminal damage to property for the burglary Saturday to a home on East Commercial in Sandoval.
The home’s resident reported to deputies that she had only been gone about 30 minutes and when she returned she found a window screen had been damaged to gain entry to her home and that a TV and Xbox were missing.
She reportedly identified Carroll as a suspect in the incident. Around the same time Centralia police had stopped Carroll on multiple outstanding warrants. The TV and Xbox reportedly taken from the Sandoval home were allegedly found in the car Carroll was in.
He was taken to the Marion County Jail where he remains on charges of burglary and criminal damage as well as outstanding Marion and Fayette county warrants.