SALEM — Saturday night, the Salem Police Department held its Christmas dinner and awards ceremony at the M&M Courtyard Café and Coffeehouse in Salem.
Following the meal, one police officer and two 911 communications officers were recognized for their service in 2017.
Patrol Officer Daniel Bosomworth received the 2017 Officer of the Year award.

According to Police Chief Sean Reynolds, Officer Bosomworth is instrumental in coordinating the department’s sexual offender compliance checks, and because of his commitment, sex offender compliance checks are done twice a year in Salem even though they are only required to be completed once per year by state law.
Communications Officer Paul “Michael” Anderson received the 2017 Communications Officer of the Year award.

Reynolds says C/O Anderson came to them a few years ago from the Marion County Sheriff’s Department, that he is very knowledgeable about communications systems and is meticulous in his work as a 911 Communications Officer.
Communications Supervisor Justin Draper received the Chief’s Commendation Award for his hard work and dedication following the November 2017 lightning strike that left the Salem 911 Dispatch Center disabled.

Reynolds explains that Draper spent countless hours not only working as a 911 Communications supervisor and dispatcher, but also working with the Marion County 911 Coordinator, computer networking specialists, and communications specialists to make sure the Salem 911 Dispatch Center was up and running as quickly and efficiently as possible.
The Salem Police Department thanks Sheriff Rich Stevenson, Lieutenant Andy Garden, and the rest of the Marion County Sheriff’s Department for keeping an eye on the city and answering calls for service for 2 hours so the officers on duty could enjoy the meal and awards ceremony.