CENTRALIA — An 18-year-old Centralia man has been arrested on arson charges in connection with fires to vacant property this weekend on South Locust in Centralia.

(Souce: CPD)
According to Centralia Police Chief Brian Atchison, Blaze W. Snow was arrested after an investigation into fires set Sunday night to a house at 1118 South Locust Street and its detached garage.
Witnesses informed police Sunday night that a male subject had been seen running from the property just before the garage burst into flames.
Police were able to determine that person was Snow. He was taken into custody Monday and remains in the Marion County Jail with formal charges filed Marion County Court of Class 1 felony residential arson for the fire set to the home and Class 2 felony arson for the fire set to the garage.
Atchison says Snow’s arrest is an example of the public helping police solve crime.