CHICAGO (AP) — Democratic Illinois governor candidate J.B. Pritzker is apologizing for racially insensitive comments captured on a FBI wiretap between him and then-Gov. Rod Blagojevich.

Pritzker said Tuesday he regrets portions of the conversations recorded during a decade-old investigation of Blagojevich, who’s now imprisoned for corruption.

Pritzker is heard suggesting Blagojevich appoint Secretary of State Jesse White, calling him the “least offensive” African American.

White, who’s supported Pritzker’s candidacy, stood beside the billionaire businessman during Tuesday’s news conference. Other black lawmakers joined them.

Pritzker’s opponents in the March 20 primary condemned the comments. State Sen. Daniel Biss says the conversation is “racially insensitive at best and at worst reveals an attitude that is disrespectful to African Americans.”