Neil Young debuted his new live streaming series entitled “Fireside Sessions” from his Colorado home during the coronavirus pandemic. Filmed by, director/actress Daryl Hannah, Young’s wife, the six-song acoustic set delivered many tunes from his extensive catalog.

After opening the performance outdoors with his classic, “Sugar Mountain”, Young addressed viewers for the first time. “I hope you’re doing well,” he said. “And I hope everything is OK in your house and I hope you have a place to be where you’re with your loved ones.” The singer then moved inside, playing the first solo rendition of the “On The Beach” track, “Vampire Blues”, since 1974, followed by the first appearance of the “Homegrown” tune, “Love/Art Blues”, since 2008, and fan favorites “Tell Me Why” and “Razor Love” before sitting at the piano to close with the “Hawkes & Doves” deep cut “Little Wing”, seen here for the first time since 1977. 

Watch the “Fireside Sessions” debut episode at

Neil Young to Help the World Self-Isolate with “Fireside Sessions”


Editorial credit: Ben Houdijk /