CENTRALIA — Also part of Phase 4 reopening plan, the Centralia Regional Library will reopen to the public on Monday.

The library will now be open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday, with the first hour each day reserved for seniors and other at-risk members of the community.

Masks will be required for all staff and patrons, including children, age two and above, and computer users.

For those who can’t wear a mask, curbside service will continue.

There are also online resources available for books, magazines, and movies at centralialibrary.org. Free Wi-Fi is also available in the library parking lot and Library Park.

Some services are changes, such as furniture has been removed, and only 6 of the 14 public computers will be operational.

Games, puzzles and toys have been removed from the children’s area, and all seating has been removed from both the children’s area and the Teen Room.

Neither newspapers nor magazines will be available for onsite reading but a remote desktop control is being installed that will allow staff to help patrons while observing safe distancing guidelines.

While not required, customers are encouraged to make appointments for computer and microfilm reader access. Call 618-532-5222 extension 223 to make an appointment.