SSM Health Good Samaritan Hospital Foundation announced that applications for the 2021 Dr. Jean M. Modert Scholarship are available upon request by calling (618) 899-1048 or by going to
Shawna Bullard is the Regional Administrative Director of Fund Development. She says the Foundation will select its recipient in hopes, that like Dr. Modert, that student will bring their expertise and knowledge back to bettering healthcare in their hometown.
The scholarship is offered to students who have a permanent residence in Franklin, Hamilton, Jefferson, Marion, Perry, Washington, or Wayne counties for a least one year prior to the application date or who are a dependent of an SSM Health Illinois employee. Scholarship eligibility is based on the following criteria:
A college student majoring in a healthcare program; a vocational student seeking an associate degree in a healthcare field; or a student seeking a post-graduate degree in a healthcare field.
Show proof of enrollment in an accredited technology center, junior college or degree-granting institution, and show evidence of acceptance to an academic program of study in a healthcare field.
Show proof of having completed at least one-half of an established curriculum or degree program, prior to receiving the funds.
Hold a minimum of a 3.0 GPA or above, on a 4.0 GPA scale, or an equivalent rating on a comparative GPA scale.
All completed applications must be delivered or postmarked for delivery to the Good Samaritan Foundation office by Thursday, April 1st. Scholarship amounts vary, with a minimum allocation of $1,000 per year. Recipients are chosen through a selection committee comprised of members from the SSM Health Good Samaritan Foundation board of directors, administrative staff, and ex-officio. Applications will be screened for eligibility prior to being reviewed by the selection committee. Applicants will receive letters of acceptance or denial of scholarships in early June.
Completed applications will include the following:
- A completed application form with all requested information attached.
- An original transcript in an official sealed envelope.
- Official verification of acceptance into a health professions academic program, or if you are currently enrolled in an academic program that meets the criteria of the scholarship guidelines, provide official verification of current enrollment in good standing.
- Completion of personal statement.
- At least one letter of reference from a school advisor, school instructor, financial aid counselor, work supervisor, or social service personnel.
For more information regarding the scholarship application, please visit SSMHealthScholarships or contact Becky Pierce at 618-899-1048 or