CENTRALIA — Area law enforcement agencies are warning the public of two new scams reported recently.
According to the Centralia Police Department, they received a report of a resident receiving a call from the department’s non-emergency phone numer, 618-533-7602.
The caller reportedly told the resident he was with the Centralia Police Department and identified himself with the name of an actual Centralia police officer.
The caller called the resident by name and told them they had a federal warrant out for their arrest. The caller then instructed the resident to go to Walgreens and send $2,400 in gift cards to settle the warrants.
Fortunately, say police, the resident didn’t fall for the scam and contacted the Centralia police.
The public is reminded the Centralia Police Department will never ask anyone for money over the phone and that you can always contact the police department at 618-533-7602 before you fall victim to one of these scams.
In the second reported scam, the Illinois Sheriffs’ Association says people are being contacted by telephone and asked to make a contribution to the Illinois Sheriffs’ Association to help fight the Assault Weapons Ban.
The Sheriff’s Association urges the public to ignore these calls and to not give your financial information.
The ISA says it never solicits by telephone. They say the phone number used in the scam was 224-324-3356 Cook County, IL. When you call that number it reportedly states it’s the “Fundraising Center.”