JEFFERSON COUNTY — It’s time to start picking up applications to nominate individuals for the Hall of Fame 2024 Jefferson County Senior Saints.
According to David Keen, he started the program in 1998 to recognize senior citizens who give so much to the community.
Each year, 12-14 people are selected for the Hall of Fame and are then honored with a dinner and parade. Individuals need three detailed letters with each nomination. They must have been 65 years or older and alive on January 1, 2024, must be a resident of Jefferson County, and cannot be a current paid political office holder.
Judging will be based on the nominee’s community service and civic activities, ability to embrace change, love of country and or community, and action taken in response to adversity.
Applications are available by contacting David Keen at 618-316-9502 or Michaela Wharton at 618-838-5888. The deadline to return nominating applications is August 3.