MT. VERNON – Your invited to an open house that will focus on a current park master planning effort for Veterans Memorial Park and Lincoln Park and an indoor recreation facility market study for the city of Mt. Vernon.
It will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 9, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the Rolland Lewis Community Building, located in Veterans Memorial Park, on South 27th Street.
Planning Design Studio and Ballard*King will give their presentation at 5 p.m.
You will get a chance to give your input regarding proposed enhancements for both parks and hear about key findings from the market study regarding the indoor recreation facility.
The purpose of the project is to determine whether the current park and recreational facilities within Lincoln Park and Veterans Memorial Park suit the needs of the community and meet national recreation standards.
A recent survey by Planning Design Studio asked residents to express their thoughts on the current state of each park. Input from the survey respondents helped to inform decisions regarding improvements to the parks.