Information Provided will Benefit Individuals Interested in a Career with the Illinois State Police

Springfield, IL – The Illinois State Police (ISP) announces a Physical Fitness Inventory Test (PFIT) seminar will be held on October 14, 2017, at the ISP Training Academy in Springfield.  The primary purpose of the seminar is to provide hands-on instruction on how to successfully pass the ISP PFIT.  

The PFIT is a tool that is designed to measure fitness activities that are related to law enforcement tasks.  It assesses the fitness level of individuals based on four dimensions: flexibility, dynamic strength, absolute strength and cardiovascular respiratory fitness.  Passing the PFIT is one of the requirements for becoming an ISP Trooper.  

Certified ISP Physical Fitness Monitors will provide hands-on instruction and demonstrations on how to successfully complete the PFIT.  This is an opportunity for individuals interested in becoming ISP Troopers to become educated and proficient in the PFIT.  Those attending the seminar should wear proper workout attire and bring a bottle of water.

Those interested in attending the seminar should RSVP to Special Agent Melissa Uhles by October 10, 2017.  Special Agent Uhles can be reached by telephone at (217) 785-4370 or email at

The seminars are not affiliated with the ISP Merit Board or the ISP hiring process. There are no fees associated with the seminar.