JEFFERSON COUNTY — A 46-year-old Mt. Vernon woman pleaded guilty Wednesday to Class 3 felony theft for stealing more than $6,800 from the Summerville Grade School Booster Club.

Christina Bruce was sentenced to 24-months probation and ordered to pay $6,825 in restitution, perform 30 hours public service, remain gainfully employed, submit to random drug testing, and pay $500 in fines and court costs.

Bruce arrested in June 2016 for taking the money from the booster club between February 2014 and May 2015.

The Mt. Vernon Police Department had started investigating money missing from the booster club funds since June 2015.

Bruce denied in court Wednesday that the checks she wrote out for cash from the Booster Club were all for her personal use. 

She’s scheduled to return to court June 5, 2018, for a review of her probation and payments. She was advised in court to not violate the terms of her probation.