SPRINGFIELD, IL – Conservative Party candidate Sam McCann urged voters Tuesday to reject Arthur Jones, an avowed Nazi and Republican candidate for Illinois’ 3rd Congressional District. Further, he suggested that voters support incumbent Daniel Lipinski, a pro-life Democrat.

McCann issued the following statement:

Arthur Jones is a Nazi. He is a disgrace to our state, and his bigoted opinions have no place in our politics. Under no circumstances should voters encourage this person with their support or their votes.

The fact that the Rauner led Illinois’ Republican Party let an avowed Nazi secure a place on the ballot as a Republican is shameful and indicates serious deficiencies within the party leadership.  Governor Rauner has failed to take a strong enough stand on this issue. We can do better.

Illinois voters should support Congressman Dan Lipinski, who has been a pro-life voice throughout his service in Congress. A vote for a pro-life Democrat is obviously better than a vote for a Nazi.