CENTRALIA — The baseball field at Rotary Park on Walnut Hill Road is officially shining bright after continued fundraising efforts since 2013.
Poles have been placed so that the other fields can be lit once donations allow the purchase of more lights.
The power for all 4 fields is already in place but organizers would like to light all 4 fields to allow tournaments and late-night little league games.

The dedication of the lights on the field is in conjunction with the 100th anniversary of the Centralia Rotary Club.
Many businesses have sponsored signs on the fields and the community has generously donated money through special fundraising events and personal donations throughout the years.
Centralia Rotary will continue to raise funds to light the other fields and for improvements to the park.
Please help us to light all four fields. If your company is interested in purchasing a sign on the fields, please contact Jay Luse at 618-918-1104 or DJ Justice at 618-322-8214.
To make a donation please mail to the Rotary Club 615 Briarwood Centralia, Illinois 62801. Thank you for your continued support of Rotary Park.