“Sunny Sweeney is hoping her song and story of infertility and miscarriage help break down the taboos around the topic. “Bottle by My Bed” is not just another country drinking song.” reports TasteofCountry.com

“The 40-year-old Texan and her husband Jeff Hellmer tried for several years to get pregnant naturally before turning to fertility treatments. Eventually they gave up, but then miraculously became pregnant. During an interview with People Sweeney talked about seeing the heartbeat, embracing morning sickness and her changing body.”, says TasteofCountry.com

Read More: Sunny Sweeney Shares Brutally Honest Miscarriage Story, Song | http://tasteofcountry.com/sunny-sweeney-miscarriage-song/?trackback=tsmclip

Sunny Sweeney Shares ‘Brutally Honest’ Miscarriage Story, Song

Via tasteofcountry.com