AC/DC have launched a new video series celebrating the 40th anniversary of their 1980 classic, “Back In Black.” Produced by Mutt Lange, the band’s seventh record featured the debut of new singer Brian Johnson following the tragic passing of Bon Scott just six months before its release.

“Back In Black” remains the best-selling hard rock album in history, with estimated worldwide sales of 50 million that place it second on the all-time list behind only Michael Jackson’s “Thriller.” Last December, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) certified the record 25x platinum for shipments of 25 million copies in the US, where it sits fourth on the country’s best-selling albums list. 

You can watch the first installment of the video series at the link  here.

AC/DC launch documentary series to mark Back In Black anniversary


Editorial credit: Photography Stock Ruiz /