CENTRALIA — The Kaskaskia College Board of Trustees met Monday and approved an Undergraduate Teacher Education Partnership with Greenville College that establishes a 2+2 Agreement for Elementary Education.
This agreement provides opportunities for KC students to receive advising early in route to Illinois teacher licensing Elementary Education, and Greenville College to recruit students who typically do well in a four-year degree program.
Students participating in this Undergraduate Teacher Education Program who enter the UTEP Program from Kaskaskia will receiving advising from both institutions assisting them in timely degree completion, as well as dual admission status when applicable, which has the potential to further encourage retention and improve student experience through earlier inclusion.
According to KC Professor, Erin Landers, “The joint teacher education degree through Kaskaskia College and Greenville College provides an opportunity for students to earn their Illinois teaching license. This 2+2 agreement allows students to complete all of their coursework on the Kaskaskia College campus with highly qualified professors and relevant, meaningful curriculum from Kaskaskia College and Greenville College”.