CENTRALIA — Community leader Herb Williams is inviting everyone to participate in Juneteenth Day, which is June 18th at Laura Leake Park. The Bobby Joe Mason Foundation and Centralia Community Youth Center will be holding a “Walk for Peace/Stop the Violence”.
Anyone who would like to participate and join in the Walk to City Hall and Back to the Park are more than welcome.
You’re asked to come out as a show of solidarity and unity and that “we do care about our community and children.”
The City has shown its support by providing buttons with the slogan and have promised to provide a police escort for the walkers.
The march is to begin at the park at 9 a.m. and walk down Maple Street to City Hall and back.
Williams says there were times when the community could not show solidarity but that time is no more.
There will be free food, games, speakers and special spoken word performer from St. Louis. Speakers will start at11:30 a.m. At noon food will be provided and then the festivities will begin for everyone.