MARION COUNTY — The Marion County Drug Court Support Group has announced it has be awarded a three-year grant from the Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs fiscal year 2016 Adult Drug Court Discretionary Grant Program.
The grant will provide nearly $40,000 each year for a total of $119,879 over the three-year life of the grant. Support Group Chairman Danny Stover said the award will provide much needed assistance to the success of the court, probation services, program participants and the fight against the Marion County drug crisis.”
Stover added, “While illegal drug use strains our criminal justice resources, drugs also amount to a public heath crisis for our county and our nation.
The support group is a non-profit charitable organization that provides financial and operational support and assistance to the court without additional burden to the Marion County tax structure.
The activities of the support group have included transitional shelter housing during the beginning of recovery, court administered incentives for successful participants, living assistance in early recovery, learning and counseling supplies, tools for public works projects, graduation ceremonies, and more.
Initial funding has come through fundraising, the Community Mental Health Board, contributions from individuals, memberships, and memorials following drug-related deaths.
The OJP grant funding will provide for increased drug testing, assist with operational and administrative costs, and the improvement and provision of transitional shelter and personal health services to participants, and assist ongoing efforts of the support group.